Monday 13 February 2012

Enable debugging in Websphere Application Server 7.0 ND

Generally ,debugging is one of the most handy things to have in a Application Server and as such easy to enable.
I had a pretty tough time for WAS 7.0 when I went through the conventional way of adding debug properties to the Java args. The server literally gave up and refused to start.
After a bit of googling and reading the detailed WAS documentation,I realised it was simpler to do so in Websphere than in many of the other simpler application servers
Here are the steps :
1)Log on to the IBM Websphere Administrative console.This typically runs on the ports 9060(unsecure) and 9443(secure)
2)Navigate to Servers->Server Types->WebSphere application Servers-><application server>
3)Click the WAS instance on which you want to enable debugging.

4)In the configuration tab,scroll down to the Additional Properties
5)Click on "Debugging Service"

6)Check the "Enable service at server startup" checkbox.

7)Click on Apply and click Review to review your changes
8)Check the "Synchronize changes with Nodes" checkbox (unless Automatic synchronization is enabled)
9)Click the Save button
10)Once the Synchromization is complete (This might take a few seconds) ,click OK and then restart the WAS instance .
11)Now you are all set to fire debug requests on the JVM debug port (as specified in the Debugging service page.Default is 7777)